Acknowledgments & Recognition
Funding for the Tree of Life
Development of the Tree of Life Web Project has been supported by the US National Science Foundation under the following grants:
- DBI#0078294: The Tree of Life Project: Creating an open phylogenetic database of biodiversity information ($557,773)
- DUE#0333715:
The Tree of Life Project: A Digital Library of Biodiversity Information
($615,996). (National Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
Education Digital Library (NSDL) Program
- EF#0531768: AToL: Collaborative Research: Assembling the Beetle Tree of Life. (This grant funds the development of collaborative tools for researchers in the context of the ToL information architecture and the dissemination of the project's research results through the Tree of Life Web Project.)
Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
We also thank the following organizations for their support of the Tree of Life project:
- The UA College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and UA Vice President for Research for providing matching funds for the Assembling the Beetle Tree of Life project.
- The UA College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Department of Entomology, UA Vice President for Research, and the UA Learning Technologies Center for providing matching funds for the ToL NSDL project.
- The University of Arizona Library, UA College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, and the UA Vice President for Research for providing matching funds for the ToL database project.
- The University of Arizona Technology and Research Initiative Fund for funding the project "New Strategies for Life Sciences Outreach in Arizona: Developing a Digital Library of Audio and Video Features in the Context of the Tree of Life Web Project."
- The Arizona Center for Insect Science (CIS) for funding a two-year graduate assistantship to aid in the development of the ToL Insecta branch.
- The University of Arizona Library, UA Vice Provost for Faculty Development and Educational Technology, UA College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, and the UA Vice President for Research for providing Katja Schulz's salary during the 1999/2000 academic year.
- The Research Training Group in the Analysis of Biological Diversification at the University of Arizona for providing Katja Schulz's part-time salary during a collaborative project in the fall of 1999.
- The Research Training Group in the Analysis of Biological Diversification at the University of Arizona and the UA Office of International Affairs for providing support for David Patterson's visit to Tucson in August 2000 to work on the Eukaryotes pages of the Tree of Life.
- The University of Arizona for a Faculty Development Grant ($3,000) to pay for scanning some images.
- The David and Lucile Packard Foundation, for a Fellowship for Science and Engineering, awarded to Wayne Maddison. These funds were used to pay a part-time technical assistant and to purchase three Macintosh computers used in the Tree of Life project.