
Fabaceae Petal Aestivation

Martin F. Wojciechowski and Bruce Jones
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Floral organ initiation illustrating patterns of petal aestivation (the arrangement of petals in the flower bud) in Fabaceae, as viewed in scanning electron micrographs of representative species from each subfamily. Abaxial side (away from stem) of flower bud is at bottom of figures. Image 1 (from Fig. 4; Tucker 2003), Neptunia pubescens (Mimosoideae) with 'valvate' corolla aestivation of petals: A and a, outer and inner whorl of stamens, P, petals, C, carpel. Scale bar = 50 μm. Image 2 (from Fig. 2; Tucker 2003), Cercis canadensis (Caesalpinioideae) with ascending 'imbricate' (or 'cochleate') aestivation: V, vexillum or banner petal, W, wing petals, K, keel petals, s, sepal. Scale bar = 100 μm. Image 3 (from Fig. 5; Tucker 2003), Genista tinctoria (Papilionoideae), with sepals removed to show descending 'imbricate' aestivation: V, vexillum or banner petal, W, wing petals, K, keel petals, A, outer whorl stamen, C, carpel. Scale bar = 200 μm. © 2003 Shirley C. Tucker. For more information on floral development in legumes, see references below.

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Simplified diagram of patterns of petal aestivation shown in figures described above. Key: P, petal; V, vexillum; W, wing; K, keel. After Tucker (2002)


McMahon, M., and L. Hufford. 2002. Morphology and structural homology of corolla-androecium synorganization in the tribe Amorpheae (Fabaceae: Papilionoideae). American Journal of Botany 89: 1884-1898.

McMahon, M., and L. Hufford. 2005. Evolution and development in the amorphoid clade (Amorpheae: Papilionoideae: Leguminosae): petal loss and dedifferentiation. International J. of Plant Sciences 166: 383-396.

S. C. Tucker. 2002. Floral ontogeny in Sophoreae(Leguminosae: Papilionoideae). III. Radial symmetry and random petal aestivation in Cadia Purpurea. American Journal of Botany 89:748-757.

S. C. Tucker. 2003. Floral development in legumes. Plant Physiology 131: 911-926.

About This Page

Martin F. Wojciechowski
Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, USA

Bruce Jones
Arizona State University

Correspondence regarding this page should be directed to Martin F. Wojciechowski at and Bruce Jones at

All Rights Reserved.

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