- Support Material Type:
- Learner Section
- If you do not already have a copy, print out
a copy of View Assessing Standard Treehouse Page Design and Content Guidelines Assessing Standard ToL Page Design and Content Guidelines Worksheet.
- View one or both treehouse pages (depending on time) that conform to ToL design and content standards on the page Treehouse Page Design and Content
- Complete #1 on the worksheet. List at least 5 reasons why these pages follow the ToL design and content guidelines.
- View the treehouse pages that do not follow ToL design and content guidelines.
- Complete #2 on the worksheet. List at least 3 reasons why the pages do not follow ToL design and content guidelines.
- View the treehouse pages that have been edited to follow design guidelines but could still use some content improvements.
- List at least two content improvements that could be made to each page.
- Go over your work with your class.